Half Life Alyx – Game

About Half Life Alyx – Game

Half Life Alyx System Requirements


  • CPU: Core i5-7500 / Ryzen 5 1600
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 12 GB
  • OS: Windows 10
  • VIDEO CARD: GeForce GTX 1060 / Radeon RX 580 – 6GB VRAM

Half Life Alyx System Requirements


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-7600k or higher / AMD Ryzen 5 or higher
  • RAM: 12 GB
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti / AMD Radeon Vega 56

Half Life Alyx Game Details

Half-Life: Alyx is a 2020 virtual reality (VR) first-person shooter developed and published by Valve. It was released for Windows and Linux with support for most PC-compatible VR headsets. Set five years before Half-Life 2 (2004), players control Alyx Vance on a mission to seize a superweapon belonging to the alien Combine. Like previous Half-Life games, Alyx incorporates combat, puzzles, exploration and survival horror. Players use VR to interact with the environment and fight enemies, using “gravity gloves” to snatch objects from a distance, similarly to the gravity gun from Half-Life 2.

The previous Half-Life game, Episode Two, was released in 2007 and ended on a cliffhanger. Valve made several attempts to develop further Half-Life games, but could not settle on a direction. In the mid-2010s, Valve began experimenting with VR. Recognizing the demand for a major VR game, they experimented with prototypes using their various intellectual properties such as Portal, and found that Half-Life best suited VR.

Half-Life: Alyx entered production using Valve’s new Source 2 engine in 2016, with the largest team in Valve’s history, including members of Campo Santo, a studio Valve acquired in 2018. VR affected almost every aspect of the design, including combat, movement, level design, and pacing. Valve initially planned to launch Alyx alongside its Index VR headset in 2019, but delayed it following internal feedback about the story by their new writer, Rob Yescombe; Erik Wolpaw and Jay Pinkerton rejoined Valve to rewrite it.

Half-Life: Alyx received acclaim for its graphics, voice acting, narrative, and atmosphere, and has been cited as VR’s first killer app. It was nominated for numerous awards and won “Best VR/AR” at the 2020 Game Awards. It attracted a large number of players on the day of release compared to other VR games, though Valve acknowledged that the VR audience was limited. Gabe Newell, the president of Valve, described Alyx as a long-term investment into new technologies.


Half-Life: Alyx is a virtual reality game (VR) that supports all SteamVR-compatible VR headsets, which include the Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest and all Windows Mixed Reality headsets. As the gameplay was designed for VR, Valve said they had no plans for a non-VR version. Half-Life: Alyx also supports user mods via the Steam Workshop.

Players control Resistance member Alyx Vance as she and her father Eli Vance fight the Combine, an alien empire that has conquered Earth. Designer David Speyrer said Alyx was not an episodic game or side story, but “the next part of the Half-Life story”, around the same length as Half-Life 2. Players use VR to get supplies, use interfaces, throw objects, and engage in combat. Like the gravity gun from Half-Life 2, the gravity gloves allow players to pick up objects from a distance. The game includes traditional Half-Life elements such as exploration, puzzles, combat, and story. While the game is primarily a first-person shooter, it adds elements of the survival horror genre, as health and ammo are more scarce, and includes frightening encounters.

Players can physically move around in room scale to move Alyx in-game. Alternatively, they can use analog sticks on the VR controllers to move Alyx as in a traditional game, teleport to nearby points, or use an intermediate mode to “glide” to selected points. When players teleport, the game simulates movement even though the action is instantaneous. Alyx may die if attacked or moved from too great a height.


Half-Life: Alyx takes place five years before the events of Half-Life 2. Earth has been conquered by the alien Combine, who have implemented a brutal police state. In City 17, teenage Alyx and her father Dr. Eli Vance, both members of a human resistance movement, are stealing Combine resources. After they are captured by the Combine, resistance member Russell rescues Alyx and warns her that Eli will be transported to Nova Prospekt for interrogation. To intercept the train carrying Eli, Alyx ventures into the quarantine zone, an area inside City 17 infested with parasitic alien life. Along the way, she meets an eccentric Vortigaunt named Gary who asks Alyx to save his fellow Vortigaunts and foresees that Eli will die.

Inside the Quarantine Zone, Alyx derails the train and Gary rescues Eli from the wreckage. While in custody, Eli has learned that the Combine are storing a superweapon in a massive vault that hovers above the quarantine zone; he instructs Alyx to find the vault and steal its contents. Alyx ventures through the Quarantine Zone, contending with aliens and Combine soldiers. She shuts down a power station keeping the vault afloat, and discovers that each station contains enslaved Vortigaunts forced to channel their energies to the vault. The Vortigaunt she rescues promises that he and the others will take down the remaining power stations.

Eli contacts Alyx and warns her that the vault does not contain a weapon; it is a prison built around an apartment complex to contain something the Combine discovered. Alyx, Eli and Russell reason that whatever is inside can help them fight the Combine. As she approaches the vault, Alyx overhears a scientist mentioning to Combine superiors that the occupant is a survivor of the Black Mesa incident. Assuming the survivor is Gordon Freeman, Alyx aims to mount a rescue and crashes the vault to the ground.

Inside the vault, Alyx finds the apartment complex around which it was built. Anomalous physical phenomena permeate the building; objects float in antigravity, and mirrored rooms are stacked on top of one another. Alyx discovers an advanced prison cell in its center. She breaks it open, expecting to find Gordon, but instead releases the mysterious G-Man. As a reward, the G-Man offers his services to Alyx. She requests he remove the Combine from Earth, but the G-Man claims that the interests of his “employers” are not strong enough to justify such a significant change. He instead transfers her to the future, and offers her the chance to change the outcome of Eli’s death at the hands of a Combine Advisor at the end of Half-Life 2: Episode Two. Alyx complies, killing the Advisor and saving her father. The G-Man informs Alyx that she has proven herself capable of replacing Gordon, with whom the G-Man has grown dissatisfied. He traps Alyx in stasis and leaves.

Gordon regains consciousness in White Forest base. Eli is alive, but Alyx is missing. Eli realizes what has happened to Alyx, declares his intention to kill the G-Man, and hands Gordon his crowbar.



After the release of Half-Life 2 in 2004, Valve began developing a trilogy of episodic sequels, planning to release shorter games more frequently. Half-Life 2: Episode One was released in 2006, followed by Episode Two in 2007, which ended on a cliffhanger. Episode Three was scheduled for 2008, but was canceled. The designer Robin Walker said that Valve used the Half-Life series to “solve some interesting collision of technology and art that had reared itself”; when working on Episode Three, Valve failed to find a unifying idea that provided a sense of “wonderment, or opening, or expansion”.

Valve abandoned episodic development and made several failed attempts to develop further Half-Life projects. Walker blamed the lack of progress on Valve’s flat management structure, whereby employees decide what to work on themselves. He said the team eventually decided that “we would all be happier if we worked on a big thing, even if it’s not exactly what we wanted to work on”.

Valve decided to complete its new engine, Source 2, before beginning a new game, as developing Half-Life 2 and the original Source engine simultaneously had created problems. In 2016 and 2017, the Half-Life writers Marc Laidlaw, Erik Wolpaw, Jay Pinkerton and Chet Faliszek left Valve; coupled with Valve’s support for their other franchises, journalists took the departures as an indicator that new Half-Life games were no longer in development.

In 2015, Valve collaborated with the electronics company HTC to develop the HTC Vive, a virtual reality headset released in 2016. Valve’s president, Gabe Newell, aimed for Valve to become more like Nintendo, which develops games in tandem with hardware and allows them to create innovative games such as Super Mario 64. Valve experimented with VR, and in 2016 released The Lab, a collection of VR minigames. Valve recognized that many players wanted a more ambitious VR AAA game, and began exploring the development of a major VR game. Walker wondered if they could develop a VR “killer app”, as the influential FPS Doom had been in 1993.


Valve developed several VR prototypes, with three projects under development by 2017. Finding that the portal systems of their puzzle series Portal were disorienting in VR, they settled on Half-Life. Walker said that Half-Life 3 had been a “terrifyingly daunting prospect”, and the team saw VR as a way to return to the series. Additionally, Valve anticipated that fans would react negatively if Half-Life 3 were a VR-only game, and felt that a prequel carried less weight.

Valve built prototypes using Half-Life 2 assets, and narrowed the gameplay systems to those they felt best fit VR. They found that the Half-Life systems were a “surprisingly natural fit” for VR, but that VR affected almost every aspect of the design, including combat, level design and pacing; for example, shooting in VR, which requires the player to physically position their hand in space, is a different experience from aiming with traditional mouse-and-keyboard controls.

Half-Life: Alyx entered development around February 2016, and entered full production later that year. The team, comprising around 80 people, was the largest in Valve’s history, and included Campo Santo, a studio Valve acquired in 2018. As Valve had repeatedly failed to see projects through, some staff were reluctant to join and many were skeptical that VR was the right direction.

Valve did not develop a non-VR version of Alyx, as they were confident that the game would only be possible in VR. They anticipated that fans would modify it to run without VR equipment; though this bothered some on the team, Walker was not concerned, as he believed it would offer an inferior experience that would demonstrate why they had chosen VR.

In late 2018, Valve held a company-wide playtest of the entire game; the results convinced the team that VR had been the right choice. The final weeks of development took place remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mike Morasky, composer for Portal 2 and Team Fortress 2, wrote the score in consultation with Kelly Bailey, the composer for previous Half-Life games. He cited industrial music by acts such as Nine Inch Nails, the Prodigy and Skinny Puppy as inspiration.


To mitigate the problem of motion sickness in VR, Valve implemented several different movement options. They cited inspiration from the 2018 VR game Budget Cuts, which uses teleporting to move the player between locations. Valve had assumed that teleportation would damage the experience; however, though teleporting appears jarring when watching others use it, they found that players quickly became accustomed to it. According to Walker, “It recedes to the background of your mind, and you become much more focused on what you’re doing with it.”

To disincentivize players from quickly teleporting through levels, Valve filled areas with elements to capture their attention and slow them down, such as threats, collectables or other elements of interest. To solve the problem of taller players having to crouch when moving through some spaces, Valve standardized their virtual body size when they teleport, effectively making every player the same height when teleporting. They found that players did not notice this discrepancy as they were focused on moving to their goal.


Every weapon can be used one-handed, as Valve wanted players to have a hand free to interact with the world at all times. The crowbar, an iconic weapon from previous Half-Life games, was omitted as Valve could not make melee combat work in VR, and because players would accidentally catch it on objects in the game world as they moved, creating confusion. Additionally, players associated the crowbar with Gordon Freeman, the protagonist of previous games; Valve wanted to create a different identity for Alyx, portraying her as a “hacker and tinkerer”. Other discarded weapon concepts include a trip mine, slingshot, shield, and rocket launcher.

As players move at more realistic speeds in VR compared to typical FPS games, Valve had to adjust enemies to make combat fair and fun. Antlions, returning enemies from Half-Life 2, would quickly overwhelm players; the team slowed their movement and added the ability to shoot their legs off to slow them down. Fast zombies and fast headcrabs, enemies introduced in Half-Life 2, were cut as they were too frightening for some players in VR. According to designer Dario Casali, “The shock of having [fast headcrabs] come around the corner and latch onto you before you’d even know what was going on was just too much.”


Merle Dandridge reprised her role as Alyx for initial recording sessions in March 2019, but after playtests indicated that Alyx needed a younger voice, Ozioma Akagha was cast in September 2019. Akagha had to avoid using irritation in her performance, as “you don’t want someone in your head that sounds irritated with you”.

Additional actors include James Moses Black as Eli, replacing Robert Guillaume, who died in 2017, and Rhys Darby as Russell, who added comedic elements. Returning actors include Tony Todd as the alien Vortigaunts, Mike Shapiro as the G-Man, and Ellen McLain as the voice of the Combine broadcasts. Shapiro recorded his lines in one 20-minute take, with pickups in 2019. Cissy Jones (Olga) and Rich Sommer (Larry, Russell’s Drone, and Combine Soldiers) were cast at the suggestion of writer Sean Vanaman, who had worked with them on Campo Santo’s Firewatch (2016).


Valve announced Half-Life: Alyx in November 2019. Valve waited until the game was almost complete before announcing it, aiming to avoid the delays of previous games. They were conscious that players, having waited years for a new Half-Life game, might be disappointed by a VR game, and tightly managed the announcement. To promote Alyx, Valve made all prior Half-Life games free on Steam from January 2020 until its release. Valve was due to showcase Alyx at the 2019 Game Awards that December, but canceled hours prior, saying they were “hard at work on the game”.

Alyx was free to owners of Valve Index headsets or controllers. Alyx was released on March 23, 2020.[56] Valve released a Linux version on May 15, 2020, along with Vulkan rendering support for both platforms. A pre-release build was mistakenly released on Steam; it included non-VR developer tools, allowing interactions such as picking up objects and firing weapons. However, most of the basic interactions, such as pressing buttons or filling Alyx’s backpack, could not be completed with the “use” key.

When asked about plans for future Half-Life games, designer David Speyrer said Valve was willing but were waiting for the reaction to Alyx. According to Walker, “We absolutely see Half-Life: Alyx as our return to this world, not the end of it.” Mod support tools for the Source 2 engine and Steam Workshop support for Half-Life: Alyx were released on May 15, 2020. Valve plans to release a new Hammer level editor for Source 2. Valve said they planned release to a partial Source 2 software development kit (SDK) for the updated features at a later date, with the focus at launch on shipping and supporting Alyx.

Half Life Alyx Download Files 

  • Half.Life.Alyx.zip (52.9 GB)


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