Episodes 01
Scofield, Mahone, Bagwell and Bellick are incarcerated in Sona, a prison run by the inmates and where personal problems are solved in the ring, where two inmates duel until one is dead. Lincoln arranges for Scofield’s transfer, but is approached by Susan B. Anthony, a woman working for the Company, who reveals that they have L.J. and Tancredi and will release them if Scofield breaks out an inmate called James Whistler. In Sona, Norman “Lechero” St. John, the inmate leader, tells Scofield that he knows the latter’s identity and won’t allow another breakout. Bagwell becomes one of Lechero’s henchmen while Bellick is forced to clean toilets, where a man hidden behind a wall gives him food in exchange for an errand. An inmate develops a problem with Scofield, orchestrated by Lechero, and the two enter the duel. Bellick puts a note in each dueler’s pocket. The fights starts and Scofield overpowers the other, who pulls a knife, which is illegal, before Mahone interfering and killing him. Lincoln tells Scofield of the Company’s demand. Outside, a woman recovers the note from the body.
Episodes 02
Having befriended Luis “McGrady” Gallego, a basketballer, Scofield learns from him that Whistler is imprisoned for murdering the mayor’s son; and the mayor has offered a private and easy trial for anyone who kills Whistler. Bellick tells Scofield who gave him the note and he deduces that it is Whistler. The prison’s water supply is cut, starting a progressive riot against Lechero. Meanwhile, Lincoln gets the note from Scofield and intercepts Lugo, taking the book she recovered from the address. Anthony forces Lincoln to give her the book, but he surrenders a copy and keeps the original. Sucre learns from Bellick that the latter never captured Maricruz. The former calls her and says that he will stay away from her for the good of her and the baby. Bellick reveals Whistler’s whereabouts to Lechero in exchange for food and clothes. His men go to capture him, where they see Mahone, who has his own plan to kill Whistler; but Scofield manages to reestablish the water supply, ending the riot for Lechero and the protection of Whistler in exchange.
Episodes 03
“Call Waiting”
Scofield receives a picture of Tancredi, in which she is pointing a location in the newspaper. He tells Lincoln that he needs to talk to Tancredi. Lincoln refuses to give Sucre money, since he wouldn’t agree to help him. Scofield learns that Sona phone lines are cut and only Lechero has a cell phone. He insists that Bagwell gets the phone, otherwise he will reveal his past as a pedophile to the inmates. Lugo tells Whistler about Lincoln’s deed. Lincoln and Anthony arrange for the call. Tancredi gives Scofield another hint to find her and L.J. Lincoln manages to locate them but the Company operatives are able to disappear with them again. Lechero finds the unknown number in the call history and tells Sammy, his associate, to investigate it. Lechero begins to suspect that his drug business is being manipulated by others. Sammy and the rest of Lechero’s men show displeasure with Bagwell and he tells Lechero that his men are conspiring against him. Anthony tells Lincoln to get the package she left in the garage, which shocks him when he learns of the contents.
Episodes 04
“Good Fences”
Scofield tells Lincoln that the gravedigger of Sona is needed for the plan. It is revealed that what Lincoln saw in the box was apparently Tancredi’s head; but Lincoln decides not to tell the truth to Scofield. Sona’s power supply is damaged and Lechero makes a deal with Scofield to fix the supply in exchange for the first cell to the East. Scofield tells Mahone that he is included in the plan. Bellick knows that Scofield is planning a breakout and after Scofield refuses to include him, he reveals it to Lechero. Scofield persuades him that Bellick is lying. Lechero punishes Bellick by burning his back with hot coffee. The power problem, which is revealed to have been orchestrated by Scofield, is fixed and he moves to his new cell to continue his plan. Mahone threatens him not to deceive him. Meanwhile, Lincoln returns the original book to Anthony and the two try to hire the gravedigger but his increasing demands makes her kill him. Sucre quickly gets the job of gravedigger and as Scofield instructed, burns part of the fence surrounding Sona.
Episodes 05
Scofield realizes that escaping at night is impossible because of the lights and patrolling jeeps. Mahone keeps watching Captain Hurtado, one of the tower guards. A French man arrives in Sona and is quickly deprived of his clothes and money by Sammy. He begins watching Whistler. Bellick tries to befriend him. He claims to know Whistler, making him anxious. Scofield and Whistler continue gathering the necessary tools and information; but Hurtado detects Whistler watching him and the guards storm in and close Scofield’s cell; but Whistler manages to convince them of his innocence. Sucre is approached by Augusto, Lechero’s partner outside, who pays him to get a package inside Sona; and Sammy recovers it. Bagwell gets involved with Lechero’s concubine. While Lincoln and Lugo arrange for the plan outside, Scofield finds out that one of the tower guards is annoyed by the sunlight and turns his face to avoid it at a specific time; and Mahone reveals that Hurtado is addicted to coffee.
Episodes 06
“Photo Finish”
The Frenchman pushes Bellick away after the latter tries to get closer. The packages Sammy receives are revealed to contain special cigars, one of which Cheo, one of Lechero’s henchmen, takes for smoking. The Frenchman is murdered and by Gallego, Lechero finds out that Whistler had a problem with the victim. He is brought for interrogation. Scofield accuses Bellick of the murder; but he denies it. Mahone is visited by FBI agent Lang, who states that Sullins has arranged a hearing for the former to testify against the Company, and he accepts it. Bagwell offers to save Whistler by giving Sammy’s ring to Scofield and telling him to put it in the crime scene, giving the former the ground to accuse Sammy. Thinking what to do, Scofield finds a bloody knife in Mahone’s cell. He rushes and informs Lechero, who doesn’t believe it because Mahone is leaving. However, instead of Whistler, he kills Cheo for receiving cigars behind his back. He forbids listening to football that day, ruining Scofield’s plan to escape unnoticed. Lincoln finally tells Scofield the truth about Tancredi. He gets angry and arranges a duel with Whistler.
Episodes 07
Scofield reveals that the duel is a plan to gather everyone in the yard, giving the duo the chance. Hurtado is drugged by Lugo as planned and the other guard turns his face away; but as the duo prepare to exit through Sammy’s cell, he arrives and delays their plan. They get in “no man’s land”, but are forced to return before the guard notices. Sammy arrives and takes them to the ring. They tell Lechero that the problem is solved; but he says that they must fight until one is down according to the rules. They start hitting each other until the guard sees the rope hanging from the window. The guards storm in and kill one of Lechero’s henchmen, humiliating Lechero for his inability to run the prison. Lincoln and Sucre try to save L.J. before he is killed, but fail and he is abducted. Meanwhile, Mahone feels that he needs to do the hearing soon because of showing withdrawal symptoms; but it is not possible. Lechero tells Scofield that he knows the latter was trying to break out and because of his actions, the former’s position is threatened in Sona. Lechero demands Scofield to include him in the plan. Scofield sees Gretchen visiting Whistler.
Episodes 08
“Bang & Burn”
Scofield tells Gallego to have his father give a message to Lincoln. Sammy convinces Lechero to recruit more men to consolidate their power. The General forces Anthony to get Whistler out by force; and she plans an assault on Sona and informs Whistler. Lechero shows a damaged underground corridor to Scofield. Whistler tries to kill Scofield before Lechero’s return. The former claims to be claustrophobic and heads to the roof, followed by Scofield. As the assault starts, the two get to the roof and Scofield prevents Whistler from entering the helicopter and it is forced to retreat. Lincoln gets Scofield’s message and realizes that they are in danger. The Company operatives attack them, being killed by Lincoln. The brothers’ actions force the Company to rely on them again and not kill L.J. Meanwhile, Mahone asks Lang to get him the medication, which she doesn’t in time and he fails the hearing. As a result of another escape attempt, the chief guard transfers Scofield out of Sona.
Episodes 09
“Boxed In”
General Zavala, the new chief guard, tortures Scofield to talk. Mahone is returned to Sona and he continues struggling with symptoms. Bagwell and Whistler agree to get Sammy killed. The former offers Mahone drugs in exchange for killing Sammy, which he refuses. Meanwhile, Sucre has an apparent argument with Lincoln, prompting Anthony to have the former spy on Lincoln; but the argument is revealed to be a ruse to get Sucre inside. Scofield tells the truth to Zavala, who forces Whistler to reveal Anthony’s true name, Gretchen Morgan, and her whereabouts. Zavala arrests Morgan and starts torturing her, with Scofield promising her revenge for Tancredi. One of Sammy’s men challenges Bellick to the ring, in which the latter wins using a special chemical. Bagwell finds out about his trick. Morgan agrees to take Zavala and his soldiers to L.J’s location, where she manages to free herself and kill them. Scofield and Whistler are returned inside by the new chief. Augusto tells Sammy move on Lechero and open the last package, which contains a gun.
Episodes 10
“Dirt Nap”
Having dealt with the symptoms, Mahone is back to the plan and Bagwell is included. Sammy casts Lechero out while the team is working underground. Bagwell encourages Bellick to use the same trick to kill Sammy in exchange for getting in the team. Bellick challenges Sammy to the ring before realizing that the chemical is finished, making his death certain. The duel starts and before Sammy can finish him, his men inform him of Scofield’s whereabouts. They force Lechero to open the inside door. The team tells Sammy about the plan. As the latter takes a look at the hole in the ceiling, it collapses, caused by Scofield, and kills him before Lechero killing the others and regaining his position in Sona. Bagwell agrees to include Bellick anyway. Meanwhile, Sucre gives Morgan wrong information to maintain his cover. Lincoln buys a bomb and Sucre puts it in Morgan’s car. Lincoln and Lugo get closer while they find out that Whistler is more than what he pretends to be.
Episodes 11
“Under and Out”
Gallego begs Scofield to include him; but he believes the former is safer inside because of what the latter has experienced. The rain makes the collapse of the tunnel certain, making Scofield move the plan for that night. The team starts digging faster for the schedule. Morgan finds the bomb Sucre had planted and takes Lugo as another hostage. The former gives Whistler a watch showing the remaining time before Lugo is killed. Scofield decides to include Gallego and tells him to have his father contribute to the plan. As Sucre tries to leave to do his part, he is stopped by a guard who has found illegal background in his faked file. Scofield tells the team that the lights will be off for only 30 seconds and that is all they have. Lechero, Bagwell and Bellick force Scofield to let them be the first ones in line because of the shortage of time. Lincoln hijacks a bus and uses it to bring down the electricity pole supplying Sona. The lights go off and the team has 30 seconds.
Episodes 12
“Hell or High Water”
The first three run towards the fence; but the lights go back on and Lechero is shot. The guards enter the no man’s land and rush inside the prison. They start torturing Bellick, who finally breaks and shows the underground after the four use the cars as cover to escape. They keep running towards the beach with the guards on them. They team up with Lincoln and they use oxygen capsules to swim underwater towards their destination, which is a sea beacon. They await Sucre’s arrival with the boat, but he is still stuck in Sona. Gallego’s father arrives with the boat and takes them to the dock, where Gallego separates and the four get in a car before realizing that they are chased by the Company operatives. Scofield realizes that Whistler’s watch has a tracker and throws it away. They manage to lose the Company men and get in a warehouse. Lincoln decides to kill Mahone for revenge; but is distracted by Whistler’s escape and consequently Mahone escapes. The brothers go after Whistler. In Sona, Bagwell recovers Whistler’s book and reveals Sucre’s identity to the guards.
Episodes 13
“The Art of the Deal”
The brothers manage to find Whistler and arrange the exchange in a public place, where Scofield has designated, only to make certain that L.J. and Sofia are fine. Scofield arranges the real trade to be in a museum. Morgan is forced to remove her weapons in order to enter the museum. L.J. and Whistler are successfully exchanged. Sofia realizes that Whistler is a Company man and decides to go with Lincoln. Having predicted that Morgan has put an operative on every exit, Scofield triggers the alarm. They exit through the main door before a shootout ensues between the Company men and the police. Scofield moves to kill Morgan, but his hesitation allows her to flee. Sofia is wounded and taken to a hospital. Meanwhile, Bagwell gets money from Lechero’s concubine and proceeds to kill him. The inmates accept him as the new leader. Sucre doesn’t break after a long torture and is sent inside Sona. Mahone joins Whistler’s plan. Gallego and his father successfully pass the border and rejoin their family. Scofield decides to continue to search for and kill Morgan, starting with Whistler’s apartment.