Episodes 01
Doctor Aditya Singh goes to work one day and discovers a deadly virus is taking over the world. At the same time, hybrid children start being born that are half-human and half-animal, with no one agreeing which came first, the virus or the hybrids. Meanwhile, before the collapse of society known as the Great Crumble, a father runs away into Yellowstone National Park with his deer hybrid baby, Gus. Dr. Singh discovers that the first symptom of the Sick is an uncontrollably shaking pinky finger, and he rushes to the hospital to save his wife Rani who has that symptom. Gus’ father, over many years, builds a secure base in the deep woods and is referred to by Gus as “Pubba”. Pubba is constantly afraid of the outside world. But as Gus grows, so does his curiosity about the world, and one day he steps outside the fence to venture after the deer he believes is his “mother”, despite Pubba’s warnings about the outside world being fire and telling him that his mother is gone. Later, a man claiming to be looking for his sister arrives at the fence and tells Pubba that everyone in the outside world thinks the hybrids are responsible for the Sick which still exists after 10 years. After hiding Gus, Pubba kills the man but also contracts the Sick, which quickly kills him. In his frustration, Gus starts a daytime fire which attracts the attention of poachers who lay a candy trap that Gus easily falls for. Gus, however, is quickly saved by Tommy Jepperd who Gus calls “Big Man”. While distrusting of Big Man at first, Gus eventually explains his plan to find his mother in Colorado using a map and a photo. He chases after Big Man to seek the latter’s help with his quest.
Episodes 02
“When in Rome”
The narrator introduces Aimee, who was a therapist before the Great Crumble and who barricaded herself in her office for weeks during the fallout. When she eventually emerges into the deserted city, she is passed by a stampede of elephants and is inspired to go to the Zoo which she makes her home. Gus persistently follows Big Man and insists Big Man take him to Colorado. Big Man gets angry when Gus eats all of his food and his medicine, the latter of which Gus says is horrible candy, but Gus leads them to a Visitor’s Center from where he can smell food. At the Center they find living there a couple and their human son not much older than Gus. After being recognized as a former Last Man by the mother through the branding on his chest, Big Man insists that he only wants to stay one night to wait out the storm and don’t want trouble. The father also recognizes Big Man as a former pro football player. Dr. Singh temporarily treats the Sick in Rani through experimental medicine provided by Dr. Bell. When he goes for a refill he discovers that Dr. Bell wants him to take over her work as she is dying from terminal cancer. She has noted down all of her findings in a book, but her gruesome work goes against everything Dr. Singh believes in. Big Man begins to think the family at the Center may be better company for Gus. But soon the Center is attacked by Last Men who Big Man kills with a bear trap, and the family asks Big Man and Gus to leave for fear their family might become collateral damage. Big Man and Gus continue on to the next town. Aimee discovers a hybrid pig baby outside the Zoo.
Episodes 03
“What Must Be Done”
Gus and Big Man continue on foot to the Market where there is a train that will take Gus to Colorado. Big Man disguises Gus as a human so they can get him on the train, but while purchasing him a ticket Gus wanders off and meets a young girl in the Market who comforts him when he panics. Dr. Singh takes over for Dr. Bell and starts working with the Last Men who provide him with supplies. He and Rani reluctantly attend a party where the host Doug is discovered to be infected. The house where the party was at is set on fire with Doug inside it to prevent the spread of the Sick. As he is about to board the train, Gus smells Big Man’s medicine among the boxes being loaded, so they steal the supplies but are caught and Gus is exposed as a hybrid. The Last Men, while transporting Big Man and Gus through the forest, are ambushed by teenagers dressed as animals who kill the Last Men and rescue Gus and Big Man. The leader dressed as a Bear reveals herself as the girl from the Market. General Abbot is informed that “she has been found”.
Episodes 04
“The Last Pharaoh”
Bear instructs the group to shoot Big Man, but Gus protests, shocking the group with his ability to speak. Bear changes her mind about killing Jepperd, much to the displeasure of Tiger. Bear introduces Gus to their home in an abandoned theme park and tells him about how she is the leader of the Animal Army that has vowed to protect hybrids at all costs. The group gives Gus many things, like candy, and allows him to drive bumper cars, while Tiger continues to pressure Bear on why they haven’t killed Jepperd yet. Bear says she wants to understand why Gus is protecting a poacher. The doctor continues to try to make medicine for his wife who has the illness, but is unsuccessful as he needs a live hybrid. The couple’s nosey neighbor Nancie tells the Singhs she wants to hold a citizen’s vote on mandatory virus-testing every week, worrying Dr. Singh who fears Rani will be exposed. Aimee raises the hybrid baby “Pigtail” as her own in the city zoo, scavenging and avoiding Last Men. One night, Aimee fears an intruder is in the building, but Pigtail reveals that it is her friend Bobby, an animal who can speak, and asks Aimee if they can keep him. Bear reveals to Gus that Big Man was once a Last Man and has hurt hybrids, but Gus doesn’t care as he says Big Man is his friend, countering that the Animal Army has hurt people as well. At the execution of Big Man, Bear reveals she will not carry out the execution as it would hurt Gus. This leads to a coup led by Tiger who tries to proceed with the execution of Jepperd. Big Man and Gus escape, with Bear following as she abandons the Animal Army. Nancie discovers Rani has the Sick and plans to expose her, but as they argue in front of the Singhs’ house she is kicked to death by their horse. The Singhs hide her body.