Episodes 01
Several years have passed. Uhtred has been named Lord of Rumcofa (Runcorn) and helps protect the borders of Mercia whilst raising Æthelstan to manhood and training him to be a warrior. While celebrating the Red Month festival, bandits hired by Lord Aethelhelm attempt to kill Æthelstan but he kills the three men before their leader can escape. In Iceland, Brida has become the leader of a fanatical band of Danish warriors who follow her and her young daughter Vibike, now a Seer. They set out to attack England. Sigtryggr and his wife Stiorra rule in Eoferwic while maintaining peace between Christians and pagans. The peace is threatened when Sigtryggr’s brother Rǫgnvaldr, thought lost at sea, returns. It is later revealed that he has become one of Brida’s followers, and leads an attack on Eoferwic forcing Stiorra to hide.
Eadith returns to Rumcofa shortly before Aethelflaed, Aelfwynn and a recovered Lady Aelswith come to visit for the Red Month festival. During the festivities, a castrated young Uhtred staggers into town and reveals that Brida was responsible.
Episodes 02
As young Uhtred is cared for, Uhtred and his men stand guard in Rumcofa expecting an attack, when news of the fall of Eoferwic reaches them. Uhtred realises that Brida is going after his children as revenge upon him. Brida captures and tortures Sigtryggr, then allows him to leave as long as he brings her Uhtred. Stiorra, having escaped with her attendants into the old Roman sewers below Eoferwic, is forced to watch as Brida tortures and sacrifices the women of the town. In Winchester, Edward is fascinated when the Lady Eadgifu of Kent arrives to petition him to return her stolen lands. He remembers they met as children, and invites her to remain at court. Seeing his own family’s influence waning, Lord Aethelhelm seeks to foment war between Wessex and Northumbria by encouraging Edward to attack Eoferwic without Mercian assistance, forcing the king to rely on him for money. He sends his men to the Mercian border towns, ordering them in the name of the King not to assist Uhtred.
In Rumcofa, Eadith’s arrival in the town is revealed as Aethelflaed seeks her skills as a healer; she has a cancer which she hopes can be treated, but Eadith advises her the treatment has been left for too long: Aethelflaed will not live to see the Spring. Foreseeing turmoil in Mercia if she dies without securing the succession, she forbids Uhtred from taking the men of Rumcofa north, infuriating Uhtred since Aethelflaed chooses not to tell him of her illness. He goes north with a dozen of his own men, meeting an advance force from Wessex Edward has sent to reinforce his sister, whom he is expecting to attack Eoferwic. Finding Sigtryggr on the road and hearing of Aethelhelm’s decree to the Saxon towns, they hatch a plan to get inside the city using the sewers.
Episodes 03
Stiorra confronts Brida for the lives of the townsfolk, and demands trial by combat with her. As the Danes make the square and the two face off, Uhtred, Sigtryggr and his men enter the city and free the captive locals, then launch an assault on the invaders, aided by the soldiers of Wessex. In the attack, Vibike dies while falling from a bell tower but a grief stricken Brida manages to escape with the shattered remains of her forces, although she manages to capture Father Pyrlig during her escape. Rǫgnvaldr, seeing the tide of battle turn, attempts to gain favour with his brother by joining Sigtryggr, but he is captured and imprisoned. The battle won, Sigtryggr believes Mercia has abandoned their truce by not helping retake the town, and urges Uhtred to swear loyalty to him and abandon the Saxon kingdoms. Uhtred however is intent on tracking down Brida until Finan reveals Aethelflaed’s sickness. Uhtred and his men make haste to return to Aylesbury to see her before she dies. At a loss with how to deal with Rǫgnvaldr, Stiorra decides to offer him either a quick death, or trial under Dane law; Rǫgnvaldr chooses the trial, and must gain the gods’ blessing by lifting a bar of metal from a boiling cauldron with his bare hands and carrying it nine steps without dropping it.
In Aylesbury, a weakening Aethelflaed intends to name her daughter Aelfwynn as her successor, however in Winchester Aethelhelm plots to have his own grandson Ælfweard named King of Mercia, intending for him to rule as king of both Mercia and Wessex. Overhearing the plot, Eadgifu informs Edward.
Episodes 04
Uhtred reaches Aylesbury in time to see Aethelflaed one last time, and the two share a last sunset before she closes her eyes in his arms, while sharing a kiss with him. Edward also arrives in Aylesbury with Aethelhelm and a contingent of soldiers, and assures Aelfwynn of his intention to fulfil the dream of King Alfred, although those intentions remain vague. As Aelswith prays in the chapel, she fears that God has forsaken her. In Eoferwic, Rǫgnvaldr passes the test of carrying the metal but must wait outside the city for three full days; if his hands begin to heal by the third day, he will have earned the gods’ forgiveness. Sigtryggr agonises over his brother’s punishment, although Stiorra insists he must not show weakness. Rǫgnvaldrs hands do begin to heal, but Sigtryggr remains ambiguous about his brother’s fate, acknowledging only that he is his blood. On the road north into Yorkshire, Brida remains mad with grief at the death of her daughter and tortures Pyrlig. She begins questioning him about his faith, and attempts to bargain with him to restore Vibike in exchange for the lives of her remaining followers, but Pyrlig tells her that God cannot trade lives. While her followers desert her, Brida and Pyrlig talk of their faiths, and resolve their differences somewhat before burying Vibike.
Back in Aylesbury, news of Aethelflaed’s death is announced. As the Eoldormen assemble to decide the succession Edward has them killed, rightly deducing that Aethelhelm has bribed them to reject Aelfwynn’s claim. Instead of supporting his niece however he declares himself King of Mercia, as well as King of all Saxons and Angles. Aelswith quickly escorts Aelfwynn from the palace to safety as Edward takes the throne. Æthelstan confronts his father about the bloodshed, but Edward counters that sometimes a few must die in order for many to live; by seizing the throne he has prevented a possible civil war which Aelfwynn would have been too weak to prevent.
Episodes 05
Edward attempts to placate the people of Mercia with penance for the death of the Ealdormen and fasting, meanwhile news of the slaughter at Aylesbury reaches Eoferwic. Sigtryggr is deeply troubled by Edward’s actions, seeing them as the methods of a bloodthirsty ruler intent on war. He sends a rider south to warn Edward not to approach Eoferwic. Aelfwynn and Aelswith take shelter at Buxton where Aelswith reveals her plan to marry Aelfwynn to Cynlaef, one of Uhtred’s men who Aelfwynn has been involved with; she believes if Aelfwynn marries a commoner, she cannot be perceived as a threat or used for political gain. Queen Ælfflæd, seeking solace in her faith as she sees her marriage to Edward fail, secretly travels north to Lindesfarne in the company of a Christian visionary named Aalys. Unbeknownst to them, Aethelhelm has sent men after Aalys to murder her and place blame on the Danes; in this way he hopes to foment a war between the Danes and the Saxons which would leave Edward dead, the Danes defeated and the throne open for his grandson Ælfweard. The women are ambushed and Ælfflæd is mistaken for Aalys and killed. Haesten discovers the aftermath, as well as the surviving Aalys, and orders the bodies concealed, then travels to Rumcofa to inform Uhtred. As news of the ambush spreads, both Danes and Saxons blame each other for trying to start a war. Uhtred and his men desperately try to uncover the truth and prevent more bloodshed, but both Sigtryggr and Edward prepare for battle, encouraged by Aethelhelm who still does not know he ordered his daughter’s death. In one skirmish a militia secretly raised by Aethelhelm in Edward’s name attacks Rumcofa, and Osferth is killed. When he finally discovers Ælfflæd’s death, a devastated Aethelhelm contemplates suicide until his lieutenant persuades him to continue his plan.
Meanwhile, Brida releases Pyrlig to return to Wessex. Pyrlig encourages her to come with him to atone for her sins, to which she agrees on one condition: they first seek out Uhtred.
Episodes 06
As Edward and Sigtryggr depart for battle, Uhtred desperately rides to inform Edward of Aethelhelm’s betrayal. A convinced Edward calls off the war and orders Uhtred to inform the Danes. Eadith arrives in Buxton to advise Aelfwynn and Aelswith that they are in danger but Aelfwynn, afraid that Aelswith intends to place her in a nunnery if Cynlaef does not arrive, flees before she can be told. Sigtryggr’s forces discover Aethelhelm’s army before Uhtred can reach them and they mount a dawn raid across a frozen lake, surprising and slaughtering the Saxons. Uhtred tries to fight his way to Sigtryggr to stop the attack, but Edward arrives and, seeing his own troops slaughtered, leads a counterattack which breaks the Danish forces. Aethelhelm manages to escape and heads for Scotia, hoping to continue his plotting to put his grandson Ælfweard on the Saxon throne. Sigtryggr And Stiorra are captured, but Uhtred begs for their release; Edward agrees, as long as Sigtryggr and his men are baptised and swear loyalty to him. Sigtryggr refuses, and Edward sentences him to death. Sigtryggr declares he wishes Uhtred to be the one to kill him, as being slain by the greatest Danish warrior will be the ultimate honour. Uhtred reluctantly agrees.
On the road south, Brida and Pyrlig encounter folk fleeing the war, but Pyrlig chooses not to tell her. Later she discovers his subterfuge; believing he is manipulating her, and disillusioned by the new war between Saxon and Dane, Brida changes her plans and stabs Pyrlig, telling him that if he survives he is to tell Uhtred that she is coming for him.
Episodes 07
As Sigtryggr is given a Danish burial, Edward fears that Aethelhelm has moved south to seize Winchester. Unable to leave Eoferwic in case the locals revolt again, Uhtred proposes that Stiorra be installed as Queen in order to maintain stability and pacify the Danish population. Stiorra initially agrees, but finds she is unwilling to take the oath of loyalty to Edward. Edward banishes Stirorra and her followers and installs Rǫgnvaldr in her stead. Eadgifu reveals to Edward that she is pregnant and prepares to leave court in disgrace. Edward however declares it a sign from God, and weds her immediately, much to the disgust of Ælfweard who sees it as a betrayal of his recently deceased mother. He reveals his intention to Father Benedict to be reunited with his grandfather Aethelhelm, and demands the priest accompany him. Outside Eoferwic, Brida ambushes a Saxon patrol and sends the survivor back with a message for Uhtred to meet her at Leodis.
Eadith and Aelswith eventually catch up to Aelfwynn, but the three are captured by Aethelhelm’s men and sent north to Scotia; Aethelhelm has brokered a deal with King Constanin of Scotia that he will assist Aethelhelm in an uprising against Edward in order to put Aelfweard on the throne of Wessex and Mercia. In return, Constantin will wed Aelfwynn, claim half the riches of Mercia and a stake in its royal house and gain an assurance that no further Saxon advances will be made into the North. On the road however, the three manage to overpower and kill one of their captors, although the other man is able to flee with Aelfwynn.
Uhtred heads west to Leodis, to the ruins of Earl Ragnar’s old feasting hall where he and Brida grew up together. After a short and fierce fight Uhtred overpowers Brida and prepares to kill her as she begs for death and release to Valhalla. Uhtred then remembers his early childhood with Brida and realizes that the bond between them is too strong; to kill her would be to kill part of himself. He slowly convinces a heartbroken Brida to forgive herself and start a new life, but just as she accepts Stiorra shoots her through the chest with an arrow.
Episodes 08
Uhtred burns Brida’s body then urges Stiorra to return with him to Rumcofa so that they can finally be a family, but Stiorra angrily rejects him, claiming that he has run from his responsibilities all his life and claimed it to be destiny’s fault. Returning to Eoferwic, Uhtred tries to have his men return with him to Rumcofa, but they all disagree; their families have fled to Wessex, and their old lives are now finished. In the north, Aethelhelm and Aelfweard are reunited and hosted at Bebbanburg at the command of Constantin as guests of Wihtgar, Uhtred’s cousin. Soon after, Aelfwynn is brought to the fortress. At a banquet, Aethelhelm reveals his plan of rebellion to Aelfweard, who seems uncomfortable but resolved to the plan. Father Benedict excuses himself from the feast and leaves Bebbanburg, headed south to warn Edward.
Eadith and Aelswith arrive at Eoferwic with their news, but Edward refuses to act hastily to rescue Aelfwynn, concerned he is reacting too much to Aethelhelm’s plans. Aelswith hopes that Uhtred can be persuaded to go after Aelfwynn but he refuses, believing he must put his family first, until Father Benedict arrives with news that Aelfwynn, Aethelhelm and Aelfweard are at Bebbanburg. Pyrlig counsels Uhtred that this may be God’s intention, and Uhtred devises a plan; he proposes to Edward that the combined armies of Wessex and Mercia head off Constantin at the Scottish border, cutting Aethelhelm off from his ally, then turning and defeating him in battle. Uhtred will then take Bebbanburg and rule Northumbria in Edward’s name, fulfilling the dream of a united Saxon England. Edward rejects the idea however, believing there to be too much risk and proposing instead to appease Constantin by dividing Northumbria between Saxon and Scottish rule, thus avoiding bloodshed. In a show of unity with Uhtred, Lord Aldhelm, Lady Aelswith, Father Pyrlig, Finnan, Sihtric and Aethelstan all oppose Edward’s plan. Edward orders the dissenters held at swordpoint, the gates closed and that no one leave the city on pain of death. Lord Aldhelm promises that the armies of Mercia will march for Northumbria at dawn, even if they must break down the gates.
Episodes 09
As the armies of Mercia prepare to leave Eoferwic by force, Aelswith convinces Edward of the need to avoid bloodshed. Edward finally relents and stands down the men on the walls. As Uhtred and Aldhelm lead the men out, they are faced with the army of Wessex; Edward has decided to lead the combined armies to Bebbanburg. On the road north the army encounters Cynlaef, who advises them that King Constantin has been spotted boarding a ship, but the thought of him braving the treacherous seas to come to Bebbanburg are dismissed. It is revealed in fact that Constantin has come to the fortress by boat with his household guard while his army marches by land. Realising they have been outwitted, Uhtred realises they cannot besiege Bebbanburg while Aelfwynn is a hostage, so Uhtred proposes a plan where he and a few men will infiltrate the fortress via the cliff path and rescue Aelfwynn. Meanwhile, he recruits Haesten to pretend to be a shipwrecked trader in order to lure Wihtgar down onto the beach, then he will signal Edward to attack. In the fortress, Constantin meets Aelfwynn and promises her that, although they will be married, it will be a union of convenience as he loves another and will not force himself upon her. Uhtred, Finan and Sihtric manage to get inside Bebbanburg, although Finan and Sihtric are captured and imprisoned, mistaken for Danish raiders. Haesten, accompanied by Hild, successfully pose as traders, but are unwillingly taken to the castle where Haesten is linked to the captive Finan and Sihtric. He denies knowledge of them, and is killed without revealing the plan.
With the Scots army sighted heading for Bebbanburg, Edward orders the attack before Uhtred is ready. Meanwhile, Aelswith leads Eadith into the forests where she encounters Stiorra and her disaffected Danes, and begs them for their assistance.
Episodes 10
As Uhtred searches for Aelfwynn within the castle, Edward’s attack falters when the gates remain intact. Learning that his army is close, Constantin orders a general retreat from the walls, allowing dozens of defenders and civilians to escape by the sea gate, including Hild and Aelfwynn. Wihtgar objects, but the plan is a ruse; he orders most of the defenders to the courtyard, planning to sally out against Edward while the Scots take them unawares in the rear. The plan succeeds, and Edward’s forces are slowly pushed back to the cliff edge. From the now-abandoned fortress, Uhtred spots Stiorra and rides out to meet her. Stiorra, although she wishes to help, considers the battle lost and prepares to retreat but Uhtred appeals to her and her forces, promising that if they succeed Northumbria will become a new Danish homeland just as their ancestors intended, a place where Saxon and Dane can live together in peace. He states that he, a Saxon raised as a Dane, is proof that they can coexist. As Edward and his army are slowly pushed over the cliff edge, Uhtred and Stiorra lead the Danish reinforcements to take the Scots in the rear. The Saxons rally, and together they drive Constanin from the field. Seeing Wihtgar still in Bebbanburg, Uhtred rushes into the fortress intent on facing his cousin and reclaiming his rightful home. Æthelstan follows him, but finds Aethelhelm and Aelfweard attempting to flee. When Æthelstan challenges Aethelhelm to tell the truth about Ælfflæd’s death, he tries to justify the ambush, saying he did not know she would be there. Aelfweard leaves in disgust as Aethelhelm kills himself. After a brief fight with Wihtgar, Uhtred throws him from a balcony to be impaled on a candlestick below. Uhtred’s victory is short-lived however, as he exits the hall to find the walls and gatehouse burning. Resigned to his fate, Uhtred is astonished when a sudden downpour dampens the blaze. In the aftermath, Edward declares a great victory and thanks Uhtred for his many services stating they shall feast before Uhtred, newly proclaimed Lord of Northumbria, pledges to his rule. Uhtred, however, reluctantly reveals he has come to an agreement with Constantin: in return for an exchange of hostages including Aldhelm, the Scots king will give up his claims to Northumbria. In return, Uhtred agrees that the region will remain independent, a bolster between Scotia and England, and ruled by neither. Uhtred will acknowledge Edward as their overlord and pay him homage, but Northumbria will not become part of England. Edward is outraged, seeing it as betrayal, but Uthred reassures him that it was the only way to prevent constant Scottish attacks. Northumbria will remain an ally of Wessex, and will eventually become part of England, but not until the time is right; Edward has caused too much turmoil, but eventually a king who can unite all the kingdoms will take the throne. Edward, although still furious, accepts.
As Uhtred, Stiorra and Young Uhtred celebrate finally having a home together, Hild escorts a teenage Osbert to Bebbanburg. Osbert questions her about it, but Hild merely hints that the New Lord of Bebbanburg will be able to tell him something about his father. The series ends with Uhtred thinking back on his life and reaffirming his belief that “destiny is all”.