The Lazarus Project Season 2 TV Series Details
The Lazarus Project (originally titled Extinction) is a British science fiction television series created by Joe Barton and starring Paapa Essiedu. The series premiered on 16 June 2022. In August 2022, the series was renewed for a second season, which is set to premiere on 15 November 2023.
- Paapa Essiedu as George
- Anjli Mohindra as Archie
- Rudi Dharmalingam as Shiv
- Charly Clive as Sarah
- Caroline Quentin as Elisabeth ‘Wes’ Wesley
- Tom Burke as Rebrov
- Brian Gleeson as Ross
- Vinette Robinson as Janet
- Alec Utgoff as Rudy
Produced by Urban Myth Films, the series features Marco Kreuzpaintner, Akaash Meeda, and Laura Scrivano as directors. Filming took place in second quarter of 2021 in Cardiff, Bristol, Prague, and Postoloprty.
In February 2023, Empire had first look images from the filming of the second season, with Colin Salmon, Royce Pierreson, Safia Oakley-Green, Lorne MacFayden, Zoe Telford, Sam Troughton and James Atherton having been added to the cast.
15 November 2023
The Lazarus Project Season 2 Download Files
- E01
- E02
- E03
- E04
- E05
- E06
- E07
- E08
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