An unnamed U.S. military operative, known as “The Mother”, forms a relationship with ex-SAS marine Adrian Lovell and arms dealer Hector Álvarez, who are in search of greater fortunes. The Mother brokers an arms smuggling deal between Lovell and Álvarez, but after becoming pregnant discovers them to be involved with child trafficking. She approaches the FBI to be an informant in exchange for witness protection.
While being interrogated by Special Agent Cruise, Lovell attacks the property. Cruise is shot and seriously wounded, the remaining FBI agents are killed, but The Mother is unharmed. She saves Cruise’s life and crafts a time-delayed bomb. Lovell confronts her in the bathroom and stabs her belly before getting knocked out from the explosion. After the ordeal, The Mother gives birth to a girl in the hospital; Lovell’s body is never recovered.
SAIC Eleanor Williams informs The Mother that her baby will be placed with a foster family for her protection. The Mother objects but when she realizes Zoe will never be safe with her, she agrees to waive her parental rights. The Mother visits Cruise, giving him three conditions: Zoe will have an ordinary life, she’ll get yearly photos of Zoe, and to call her if Zoe is in trouble.
The Mother secludes herself in a remote cabin in Alaska with Jons, her former military buddy, for the next twelve years with Jons, until Cruise contacts her to meet up in Ohio.
Cruise informs her that when the ATF busted some of Álvarez’s men in Mexico, they found a photo of Zoe, suggesting they’re onto her. After tracking Zoe to a local park, Hector’s top men kidnap her. The Mother manages to gun down several of Hector’s men before escaping the authorities with Cruise. While Cruise thought Zoe’s kidnapping was for ransom, The Mother deduces it was done to lure her out of hiding.
The two head to Havana, Cuba to find Tarantula, Zoe’s kidnapper, in hopes of uncovering a clue as to Zoe’s whereabouts. Unwilling to cooperate with The Mother, Tarantula is killed after a failed interrogation.
The two infiltrate Hector’s home to find Zoe. After rescuing Zoe, The Mother goes back to finish off Hector. While escorting Zoe back home, The Mother keeps looking at Zoe, who realizes it is her biological mother after all.
On the way back, The Mother decides to part ways and let Cruise return Zoe to her foster parents. Lovell manages to intercept them, but The Mother arrives to rescue Zoe. Lovell kills Cruise, but Zoe and The Mother escape. Realizing Zoe is not safe if she returns home, The Mother takes Zoe to her Alaskan cabin.
At the cabin, The Mother protects Zoe by teaching her survival training. The two start to bond but when The Mother realizes Adrian is coming for them, she decides to leave Zoe with Jons at his store. Zoe is upset to know she’s being abandoned again by her own mother, but Jons encourages Zoe to see her mother through her actions and not her words. Zoe finds a letter from her mother, explaining everything she has ever done has been for Zoe, and realizes she does love her and decides to go back.
Lovell and his men have a final confrontation with the two. The Mother manages to kill all of Lovell’s men and have a final faceoff with him. While The Mother was knocked to the ground, Lovell grabs Zoe and speeds away, but The Mother snipes and kills him just in time. With Lovell and Álvarez dead, The Mother returns Zoe to her foster family. No longer needing to remain in hiding, The Mother continues to observe Zoe from a distance.