Episodes 01
“I Speak in the Tongues of Men and Angels”
In 1968, a young Eli Gemstone works as a professional wrestler. Eli’s employer, Glendon Marsh, and his son, Junior, agree to pay Eli extra to assault a man who owes Glen money. In the present day, Jesse and Gideon have returned to the US, with Jesse and Amber having reconciled and Gideon working as a videographer for the church. Judy and BJ have married, and Kelvin has started a Christian bodybuilders group. In the midst of multiple sex scandals rocking the megachurch world, Jesse and Amber are contacted by Lyle and Lindy Lissons, a Texan televangelist couple, to partner on a Christian resort called Zion’s Landing. After touring the land, Eli refuses to lend his support, as it is too big a gamble during a volatile time for the church. After an argument with Jesse, Eli reluctantly allows for Jesse to go forward with the project. Eli is approached by Junior, and they reconnect before getting into a fight with a man in a restaurant parking lot.
Episodes 02
“After I Leave, Savage Wolves Will Come”
Thaniel Block, an investigative reporter researching hypocrisy in religious circles, arrives and informs Eli that he is writing a story about Aimee-Leigh, due to past allegations of abusive behavior from the Gemstones’ staff. Eli refuses to cooperate. Jesse and Amber attend a fundraising event for Zion’s Landing, only to find that the initial investment buy-in is greater than they can afford. After Eli informs the family about Block’s story, Jesse, Judy and Kelvin decide to confront Block at his rental cabin. When they arrive, they find multiple dead bodies, including Block. Fleeing the scene, they are met by Eli and Martin. Noticing Eli has blood on his clothes, the kids suspect he may be involved in Block’s murder.
Episodes 03
“For He Is a Liar and the Father of Lies”
The Gemstones and Martin return to Thaniel’s cabin, only to find it ablaze. Eli asks that the children keep their involvement with the situation to themselves, but, nevertheless, the Gemstones face public scrutiny for their proximity to Thaniel’s death. The Gemstone children find circumstantial evidence regarding Eli and the night of Thaniel’s death, as well as connections between Eli and Junior. They confront Eli, who asserts his innocence, claiming that the blood on his clothes was due to a grooming accident. Upset that their father might be starting to date other women, the children leave. Meanwhile, an accident involving Kelvin’s “God Squad” leads to one of its members, Titus, challenging Kelvin’s authority. When Eli attempts to break off his friendship with Junior, suspecting Junior may be involved in Block’s murder, Junior claims he is now Eli’s enemy.
Episodes 04
“As to How They Might Destroy Him”
In 1993, Baby Billy abandons his wife, Gloria, and son, Harmon, in a mall. In the present, the Gemstones throw an extravagant baptism service and afterparty for BJ, who has only agreed to undergo the sacrament to please Judy. Resentful that Eli has refused to enable the God Squad’s trip to the Holy Land, Kelvin’s anger simmers for much of the proceedings. Tensions arise between Judy, BJ, and BJ’s agnostic family during the afterparty, causing BJ to lash out at his sister, KJ, which embarrasses Eli in front of his wealthy and important guests. Meanwhile, Baby Billy, whose music career is making a small comeback following his “miraculous experience”, grows weary of a now-pregnant Tiffany, and leaves the afterparty without her. As Eli is leaving the party, he is confronted by Kelvin. Their argument soon becomes a physical altercation, leading to Eli breaking Kelvin’s thumbs. Jesse and Amber commandeer Eli’s party-bus in the ensuing chaos, only to be later assaulted by masked gunmen while at a gas station.
Episodes 05
“Interlude II”
In December 1993, Eli wishes to expand operations despite public scrutiny over his ministry’s finances. Glendon Marsh Sr. reconnects with Eli, promising to give him $1 million in exchange for letting Marsh launder his money through the church. Despite protestations from Aimee-Leigh and Eli’s senile father, Roy, Eli considers Marsh’s offer, but ultimately declines. Meanwhile, Baby Billy spends the holidays with the Gemstones, having convinced them that Gloria is at fault for their failed marriage. However, on Christmas Day, Aimee-Leigh confronts Baby Billy, leading him to admit that he left his family because he feels inadequate as a husband and provider. Hoping to cheer Baby Billy up, Eli offers him a performance spot on their televised Christmas special, which Baby Billy accepts. During the special, Eli announces that the ministry will nevertheless be expanding into a bigger building, despite still not having a stable source of income. That night, Marsh arrives on the compound, threatening to harm Eli’s family if he doesn’t agree to Marsh’s proposal. Suddenly, Roy appears and kills Marsh with a shotgun. Eli and Martin dispose of the body and take Roy back to his mansion.
In the present, Junior, implied to suspect Eli’s involvement in his father’s disappearance, plots his next move.
Episodes 06
“Never Avenge Yourselves, but Leave It to the Wrath of God”
Jesse and Amber survive the attack at the gas station, with Amber returning fire and hitting one of the gunmen, whom Jesse dubs as “The Cycle Ninjas”. Nevertheless, all the assassins flee. Amber is hailed as a hero by the congregation, which upsets Jesse. Kelvin has grown despondent following his embarrassing altercation with Eli. Keefe encourages him to re-establish dominance over the God Squad, but Kelvin fails to do so when one member, Torsten, challenges Kelvin for leadership of the group. Keefe, acting in Kelvin’s stead, and Torsten compete in a contest of strength, which Keefe quickly loses. Torsten assumes the role of leader, and Kelvin is forced to do menial labor for the Squad. After a heartfelt conversation with BJ, Eli attempts to mend his relationship with Kelvin, but Kelvin refuses to engage, believing that Eli will never take him seriously. Meanwhile, Jesse forms a new men’s group, hoping to use them as backup in an eventual confrontation with Junior. Jesse and the group do manage to find and threaten Junior, but he seems mostly unfazed by their warnings. Later, Eli is harassed and shot by the Cycle Ninjas, causing him to crash his car.
Episodes 07
“And Infants Shall Rule Over Them”
Eli is comatose and in critical condition following the Cycle Ninjas’ attack. BJ, Judy and Tiffany track Baby Billy’s recent credit card history, eventually finding him selling fraudulent supplements. Baby Billy claims to be raising money for his unborn son, and accuses Tiffany for not trusting him before abandoning her again. Meanwhile, Jesse confides with Martin that he fears Eli’s eventual death or resignation, as he doesn’t truly believe he is capable of leading the church. As Martin consoles him, the two begin to construct a plan of attack against the Cycle Ninjas. Eli is moved back to the compound, while the Gemstone children publicly disinform the congregation that he is still recovering in the hospital, hoping to lure the Cycle Ninjas into a trap. However, Jesse angrily dismisses his private security detail after a misunderstanding, leaving only himself, Martin, BJ and Gideon left to ensnare the Cycle Ninjas. The assassins arrive, and Jesse is able to incapacitate two, as Gideon pursues the others. As Gideon successfully runs the remaining assassins off the road, Eli wakes up from his coma.
Episodes 08
“The Prayer of a Righteous Man”
In 1993, Glendon Marsh Sr. retires, allowing Junior to take over the business. However, as soon as Junior has proved himself capable of filling his father’s shoes, Marsh Sr. robs him and skips town. In the present, Baby Billy decides to visit a now-grown Harmon, hoping to make amends for his absence as a father. Harmon is resistant to Baby Billy’s efforts, but does accept punching Baby Billy in the face as an acceptable means of reconciliation. Meanwhile, a recovered Eli praises and thanks his family for their actions during his convalescence, which in turn prompts Kelvin to regain control of the God Squad (which he then disbands) and Judy to accept Tiffany as a member of the family. Eli also gives his blessing and financial support to Jesse to pursue Zion’s Landing. Later, Eli confesses the truth about Marsh Sr. to his children, and tells them his plans to confront Junior in order to end the conflict. Despite the children’s protests, Eli carries out his plan. After learning the truth, Junior forgives Eli, but tells him that he wasn’t behind the Cycle Ninjas. Later that night, the Cycle Ninjas escape from jail.
Episodes 09
“I Will Tell of All Your Deeds”
In a flashback, Lyle Lissons feeds compromising information on other televangelists to Thaniel Block, in order to thin out competition. However, he refuses to divulge any information on the Gemstones, fearing it would put Zion’s Landing at risk. Frustrated, Thaniel threatens to expose Lyle next. Lyle and some associates attempt to intimidate Thaniel with grenades, leading Block to open fire on them. Gunfire and explosions ensue. Thaniel is killed by a ricocheting bullet, and two of Lissons’ men are killed in a grenade blast. Lissons hides as the Gemstones arrive on the scene, and later burns Thaniel’s cabin and his remaining associates to hide the evidence of his involvement.
In the present, the Gemstones attend the groundbreaking ceremony for Zion’s Landing. Baby Billy arrives at the reception, hoping to repair his relationship with Tiffany. However, Tiffany gives birth to their son in a port-a-potty before she can give him an answer. During the reception, Eli receives a call from Junior, who has traced the Cycle Ninjas’ weapons back to Lissons. Lyle privately confesses everything to Jesse, including that the Cycle Ninjas are teenagers from Lisson’s orphanage. Lyle and Jesse fight on the beach before Lindy arrives, threatening the entire family at gunpoint. The Lissons successfully escape. One month later, the Gemstones have taken control of the Zion’s Landing project. Tiffany and Baby Billy have reconciled, and Kelvin and Keefe have begun a youth fitness program. Martin hires the Cycle Ninjas, who are angered that they were never paid by Lyle, to track the Lissons to Alaska, where they kill Lindy and force Lyle into the tundra, where he freezes to death and is eaten by wolves.